Peñas de San Pedro is a municipality in the Sierra de Alcaraz and Campo de Montiel that is located 32 km from the provincial capital. It has a population of approximately 1400 inhabitants. Practically until the beginning of the XIX century the history of Peñas de San Pedro has been related to its castle-fortress, of Islamic origin, until Alfonso VIII turned it into a Christian enclave in the XIII century, in whose summit the locality was located until calmer times allowed it to descend to its present location.
Along with its castle, Peñas de San Pedro is known for the transfer of the image of Christ from Peñas de San Pedro to its sanctuary in the village of Sahúco.
A visit to the castle is a must. It is currently under restoration, but visitors can access the plateau where the fortress is located and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of both the plain of Albacete and the first foothills of the mountains. It is also possible to take a historic walk around the foot of the castle along the recently enabled path, and contemplate the walled remains.
Other important heritage elements of the municipality is its Town Hall, declared of Cultural Interest, and the Iglesia de la Esperanza, from the early eighteenth century dedicated to the Virgen de la Esperanza, patron saint of the town. Finally, a visit to the Sanctuary of the village of Sahúco and some of the hiking trails offered by the environment, are some of the most popular activities for tourists.
On Pentecost Monday, Peñas de San Pedro is decorated to welcome the Cristo del Sahúco (Christ of the Sahúco) who will accompany us during the summer months. During the previous weekend several festive and cultural events are celebrated. On Monday the andarines make all the preparations to go to the Sahúco and "bring the Saint". The peñeros and visitors gather at the Cross to receive the Christ, a simple act that marks the end of the festivities.
Patron saint festivities (August 27 to 31): Our main festivities are held in August, coinciding with the carrying of Christ from the town to his shrine in the village of El Sahúco. During the second half of the month is celebrated the Cultural Week with theater, regional and international dances, movies, music, etc., which compose the summer evenings and bring together all the peñeros.
On the afternoon of the 27th, the festivities truly begin with a parade of carriages designed and made by the peñas, a parade of joy and good humor. The starting signal for a few days that will be lived in the street with incessant activities among which are the running of the bulls that will be fought in the afternoon, very popular throughout the region, especially for the size of the animals and the very attractive route for those who intend to run in front of the bulls.
Considered one of the most important defensive enclaves of the province, the Castle of Peñas de San Pedro has a long history since its incorporation as one of the strong positions of the Taifa kingdom of Murcia to defend its western limits against the intrusions of the Arab kingdoms of Andalusia.
Even more impressive than the castle itself, is the massive rock base on which it sits. Inaccessible by any of its faces, we find in its height remains of possibly Islamic walls, a semicircular tower, and some defensive battlements. Interesting are the remains of houses and barracks of the soldiers who inhabited the castle. There are remains of several ovens, a raft for the collection of rainwater, ducts for channeling, and tanks for storage. Its wall, of Islamic origin, over a thousand meters long, surrounded the entire castle, although today we find only its remains.
Among all the traditions related to Peñas de San Pedro, there is one that has remained constant throughout time: the bringing and carrying of the Cristo del Sahúco. Its uniqueness is such that it has no parallel with any other known tradition. Its survival over the years has been sustained by the devotion of the children of Peñas and many other villages to the image of the Cristo del Sahúco, a devotion that has been passed down from father to son.
The village of Sahúco houses the sanctuary of the Christ, a meeting point for the peñeros on the dates of the bringing and carrying of the Christ of Sahúco. The sanctuary has an annexed parish hostel, ideal for groups of nature lovers, where every year some young people from the municipality and other surrounding villages gather for a few days of coexistence.
The transfer of the image of Christ from Peñas de San Pedro to its sanctuary in the village of Sahúco is done by relays made by the four pilgrims who carry it in each turn. Dressed in white pants and shirt and a blue or red sash around their waists, they carry the image in strict order for fifteen kilometers. Thousands of people await them at the arrival, waiting to contemplate how the image is taken out of the tomb and placed on the platforms, to continue the procession to the Church of Peñas.
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