Vianos is located in the Sierra de Alcaraz and is 92 km from the provincial capital. It has approximately 320 inhabitants. Its population was linked to Alcaraz as a village until the nineteenth century, its mountain and popular character is preserved in its streets with houses made of mud and ashlar of a very characteristic red in the area. It is a town with a long tradition of bullfighting and livestock, so near the village, in what is now a hollow, had a bullring in the eighteenth century. Since ancient times Vianos has been identified with the village of witches.
Vianos is integrated in the Natural Park of the Calares del Río Mundo and de la Sima, being the municipality with greater extension possessing a botanical wealth not inconsiderable. Also the source of the Mundo river is right in the municipal term of Vianos, which it shares with Riópar.
Vianos is a magnificent site located in the heart of the Sierra de Alcaraz, at more than 1120 meters above sea level and at the foot of Pico Almenara. The way up to the town is spectacular, so take it easy to enjoy the beautiful views, dominated by a very steep canyon. Immersed in nature, in Vianos you can enjoy some wonderful landscapes. From the town center, the tourist can make different routes and excursions to the top of the mountain range.
Settled on a plateau, Vianos has managed to preserve and combine its mountain character with Manchegan nuances. This is defined by the layout of its streets and squares, the whitewashed houses, the trellises and the aesthetics of its buildings in keeping with the environment. This part of the mountains of Albacete is perhaps the one that best preserves its popular architecture, which contrasts with the splendid Church of San Sebastian of the sixteenth century, which deserves to highlight its altarpiece, the vaults and the baptistery.
The most important festivities of Vianos are its patron saint festivities in honor of the Virgen de la Asunción, which are held every August 15, highlighting in them their bull runs, bullfighting festivals and open-air dances. Also important are the festivities of San Isidro Labrador, on May 15, and those of San Francisco, on October 4.
However, the most emblematic festival of Vianos is the representation of the Auto Sacramental de los Reyes Magos on the afternoon of January 5, a jewel of popular theater unique in Castilla-La Mancha that has been performed by actors from the village since the Middle Ages. It is staged through the streets of Vianos ending in the church with the Adoration of the Kings.
The Auto de los Reyes Magos (The Three Wise Men Play), declared a Festival of Regional Tourist Interest, has been celebrated in Vianos for more than 160 years, being a unique representation in all of Castilla-La Mancha. The text has more than 400 verses and its cultural value is incalculable, maintaining the ancient Castilian of the original text.
This representation is fully participatory, as the whole town collaborates, many as actors and others accompanying the trajectory of the play, as it is an itinerant representation. We will be able to participate in this play on the afternoon of January 5th in Vianos.
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