Salobre is a municipality located 95 km from Albacete. It currently has a population of about 470 inhabitants, divided between Salobre and the village of Reolid. A river crosses the town, whose name is Salobre river, affluent of the Guadalmena river.
Salobre is located in a privileged natural environment. There is unique flora and vulnerable animals, such as the betic midwife toad or otter, along with a mixture of oak forest and juniper coscojar. It has unique corners that makes the town an ideal place for hiking trails. Among them is the route of the micro-reserve of El Estrecho del Hocino.
The main festivities held in Salobre throughout the year are from August 16 to 18. The village of Reolid celebrates its festivities from August 23 to 25, and both these and Salobre are accompanied by music, popular food, and tradition.
The Strait of Hocino Microreserve is a small natural area along the road that used to connect Salobre with Reolid and that is now cut off, providing a pleasant walk parallel to the Salobre River.
The tourist must be attentive to both sides of the gorge formed by the Salobre River, as it passes between the hills of Hocino or Navaza, because it highlights the presence of the elusive Otter and especially the Mountain Goat, a species that proliferates in the space being one of the attractions of the place for its ease to see and photograph. As for birds, black wheatear, rock thrush and golden eagle, among others will enliven our walks along a road closed to traffic by which we can comfortably tour the place.
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